Hi there!
We are not sure whether we should call it a renovation or a rebuilding? The IK Foundation's old Bookshop has served customers in more than 100 countries over the last 20 years. We are proud to have been able to offer a world wide online service to libraries, organisations, academies, schools, booksellers and private individuals interested in our books and products – this has been an important instrument in promoting our books globally, although they are often produced in relatively small and unique editions!
 The new BOOKS & ART online shop will use a classic style with a modern responsive touch developed by IK's designer Graham Scott and webmaster Jeff Snoxell - the finished outcome will be presented in October 2021.
For some time now, there has been major design and technical progress made towards the creation of a new version of IK's old Bookshop. New times require other technical solutions and the possibility of access to information on many different types of digital devices. Naturally, we are making high demands for safety, reliability, but also in the beauty of experiencing our books etc.
We can now also see, after six months of new Brexit rules, that packages to and from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are an uncertainty factor that can become very costly for both customers and ourselves. This misery along with new international VAT rules on online sales which come into effect on July 1, has led us to the decision to temporarily close The IK Bookshop for three months – to solve the issues above, so that we can continue to offer the highest possible service for our customers.
Of course, we find this decision unfortunate, whilst a temporary closure of the shop makes it more difficult to obtain our unique books. Therefore, we are still offering services 'by hand' – that is to say it is possible to Contact IK directly with an order, which we are happy to resolve individually until the new BOOKS & ART online shop opens in October 2021.
Please join us during this period of renovation and rebuilding! The new BOOKS & ART online shop will be a whole new experience – welcome to the opening in three months time, October 2021!