Hi there!
For almost a quarter of a century The IK Foundation has been based in England, although the organisation has its roots in the Nordic countries since 1988. From our English horizon, IK has established itself and grown into an successful independent international organisation for Promoting Natural & Cultural History – something made possible by the tradition that has existed for a long time for this type of institutions in England, but also that we in our “spinal cord” believe in the modern European enlightenment through generosity and curiosity.
 A practical implementation of the philosophy "enlightenment through generosity and curiosity" is this year's extensive book and exhibition donations from IK to various scholarly societies. All recipients have a relationship to the themes of the donations – The Linnaeus Apostles and Carl Linnaeus. THE SOLANDER SOCIETY in northern Sweden received The Linnaeus Apostles Global Science & Adventure sets and related exhibitions, which they now in collaboration with, among others, PITEÅ MUSEUM and PITEÅ LIBRARY very actively place and develop in this northern part of Scandinavia. Even further north, two entire book sets have been placed in some of the world's most remote libraries – PROF. ÅKERMAN'S ARCTIC ACADEMIC LIBRARY at Kapp Linné and in the research library in NY-ÅLESUND – both located on Svalbard. During the year, THE ROYAL SWEDISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES has been able to award its fellows and guests with Christopher Tärnström’s journal, the first Linnaeus’ Apostle who travelled the world, published by IK 260 years after his death.The young LINNÆUS UNIVERSITY – whose name obliges – has also been able to distribute the Carl Linnaeus Notebook, which was published in full 2009, through a donation from IK. Finally, Carl Linnaeus’ first academic place, LUND UNIVERSITY (biological, geological and medical departments) have all received the entire book set of The Linnaeus Apostles and the book Clavis Medicinae Duplex, published by IK in 2012, and written by the physician Carl Linnaeus in 1766 – for distribution to researchers, libraries and guests.
This beautiful mix between people and collaboration across different form of borders have strengthened and developed our work to implement projects around the world. Not because we looked inward, but because we just believe in the simple philosophy that generosity and curiosity belong together!
This year's first iMESSENGER was entitled "Clouds over Europe" in which we expressed that ”The IK Foundation will maintain this European and wise EU philosophy, even though within a few hours we will operate from a country which has chosen to travel a different way…”. Since this was written in January, IK has prepared its organisation to be able to continue its cross-border work in a simple, safe and accurate way as possible. This has meant, among other things, that IK's servers, digital and physical archives/libraries are now fully integrated across a number of countries within EU Europe. Our stock of publications for our Bookshop has been scaled down by well-placed donations to important learned organisations south and north of the Arctic Circle. Remaining stocks not only make room for future publications, but are sufficient to serve the demand for virtually all IK’s titles in the coming years, packed and shipped from EU Europe. During the first quarter of the new year, IK's online Bookshop will be updated and get a completely new responsive design and an expanded as well as improved payment service based in the Netherlands, of course in our new main currency EUR (€).
The IK Foundation’s global network of employees and organisations as working partners in various projects, foremost in Europe – now both inside and outside the EU – will continue to work even harder for the modern European enlightenment through generosity and curiosity which is a well-established philosophy no matter where you are or who you are!
From a truly European organisation since 1988.
We wish you and yours all the very best for the year ahead.