Hi there!
This year, 2022, it is ten years since The IK Workshop Society was introduced as a new and innovative part of The IK Foundation's activities. The year 2012 was the year in which the closing volume Encyclopædia, which finalised the entire book set of The Linnaeus Apostles Global Science & Adventure project – came to be presented during a whole-day ceremony in the Swedish Parliament. A unique gathering, described by the Wall Street Journal writer Jennie Erin Smith in the article WITH SERIES COMPLETE, STEPPING STONES LAID. One of the stepping stones introduced was the basis of The IK Workshop Society, when we launched approximately 5,000 pages as a free iBOOK in the newly opened department of iLINNAEUS.

During these first ten years, tens of thousands of people and organisations in all continents have used The IKWS digital resources, many have also entered the next step and become active iFellows to make use of the full potential of the overall free knowledge that exists. Field work, publishing, expeditions, development of field stations, etc. have involved hundreds of professional people from a large number of countries. The concept of the pioneering Bridge Builder Expeditions has developed new ideas and contacts in a surprisingly good spirit and speed!
We think this is amazing and extremely satisfying that so many have become involved and are positive about the idea and work!
In the coming year, some major updates and changes are planned for IK, which will first and foremost affect IK’s digital sites in a constructive way. If you have ideas, views or criticism regarding how you want us to improve or alternatively renew The IK Workshop Society, we welcome you to write to us – like The IKWS mantra ‘Welcome to take part in sharing observations to understand Planet Earth’ – your comments are important.