Hi there!
In the forthcoming commemoration 'Solander250' of the Linnaeus apostle Daniel Solander's scientific voyage to Iceland, we are today pleased to begin The IK Foundation's countdown to different Natural & Cultural History projects focusing on Iceland.

The commemoration will be done through a wide range of projects all over Iceland during 18 months with many parties involved, local, national and international. An exciting mix, as well as the subject itself – the voyage 1772, which also included, among other individuals, the future Swedish archbishop Uno von Troil and the English naturalist Joseph Banks.

The participation of IK is based on our long-term work in developing and understanding the knowledge of the so-called The Linnaeus Apostles, who documented and observed almost everything of interest during their global journeys in the 18th century. In cooperation with the Embassy of Sweden in Reykjavik and the University of Iceland, IK has established a new and comprehensive BRIDGE BUILDER EXPEDITION project, which will be presented in three steps of the countdown that starts today!
• JUNE | Launch of The Explorer’s Field Guide. THE RETURN OF THE NATURALISTS - ICELAND. A Scientific Voyage to Iceland in 1772. This foldable pamphlet with outstanding pictures, panoramas and maps is an interdisciplinary work focusing on “Bridge Building” within Natural & Cultural History. An excellent and inspiring overview and introduction on the subject. Explore...
• JULY / AUGUST | Presentation of research and projects within The Bridge Builder Expeditions Iceland and The Field Station | Naturae Observatio | Solander’s Eye.
• SEPTEMBER | Presentation of The Field Station | Naturae Observatio | Solander’s Eye in Vatnajökull National Park.
Welcome to our countdown, watch this space...

In iMAGAZINE, there are several articles in the series of My Story which are directly related to Daniel Solander. The latest one is written by the current Swedish ambassador of Iceland, Pär Ahlberger, who has followed in Solander's footsteps from Oceania to the Arctic. Explore...
In the iTEXTILIS essay collection, Textile historian Viveka Hansen has today published the article TEXTILE OBSERVATIONS ON ICELAND IN 1772 – A Case Study of Uno von Troil’s Life and Journeys. A unique insight into the Icelandic journey, viewed from both a textile and natural history perspective. Explore...