Hi there!
Get ready for a new series of long-read essays, set to be published this month, June 2024. This series is the continuous result of our ongoing research project, ”THE STORY | FIELDWORK – THE LINNAEAN WAY”.
It is a one-of-a-kind research and publicise project, founded in 2017 by the Textile Historian Viveka Hansen at The IK Foundation as part of the IK Workshop Society, department of iTEXTILIS. The initial results from travel and research worldwide have been published in several essays at iTEXTILIS; today, the very first long-read essay will be published under the new series named ”THE STORY | FIELDWORK – THE LINNAEAN WAY”.

The results of the 18th century naturalists are well-known and have been published over the last century from many different angles. However, studies of the practical aspects have not been given the same attention in modern research. At The IK Foundation, one of its primary missions within all multidisciplinary work has always been to see the world from a combined practical and theoretical viewpoint – just as everyday life is for all humans! The full project description is available on this iPROJECT site.
Welcome to take part in the first essay at iTEXTILIS new series ”THE STORY No. 1 | FIELDWORK – THE LINNAEAN WAY Preparations prior to a long-distance Journey in the 18th Century”.