Hi there!
24 hours a day, every day of the year, small lights blink in the IK Foundation’s servers in Switzerland, in what is our digital hub – you can say that it is either the beginning or the end of the fantastic cluster of digital networks and cables crisscrossing the planet Earth. At our end, we have set high ambitions on safety and long-term operations, but not least to find the lowest environmental impact of our digital footprint, including to situate our digital hub into an eco-design system with the web-hosting company Infomaniak. An overview of their environmental philosophy can be found on their site ‘Ecology’.

Our site ikfoundation.org is the core of all work in the IK because our staff and partners are scattered in different continents, it is at this hub we communicate outside as well as internally. The website is extensive and various elements are updated, maintained and continuously renewed for the benefit of all users!
The most well-visited and quoted part, year after year, is iTEXTILIS within the IK Workshop Society. In general, a textile encyclopaedia where the textile history is both placed in a practical context as well as in a multidisciplinary Natural and Cultural History aspect – close to a reflection of the Internet itself, a fascinating fabric of threads that are an important part of humanity!